Site Plan Agreement Ontario

Section 41 of the Planning Act (ONT) allows a municipality to establish one or more site plan control areas within the municipality. If development in this area is proposed, a developer must obtain the approval of City Council (or its deputy) for the plans and drawings of the proposed development specified in the Act. Before submitting an application for a site plan, you must review your application with the employees of the Planning Department, the Department of Development and Planning. This process is called a pre-consultation. The time it takes to get final approval of the plan depends on the need to solve important design problems and how quickly you meet all the conditions of the building permit. The City of Toronto has a two-step approval process for site plans. The first step is the issuance of the Notice of Conditions of Approval (NOAC) and the second step, once all the pre-approval conditions are met, the issuance of the Declaration of Approval, which means the final approval of the site plan. A building permit is a necessary process that you must follow for most developments, including renovations or additions to larger buildings. As a condition of approval of the plans and drawings, the municipality may require the owner of the land to provide the amenities, easements and other matters provided for by law by entering into a recovery plan agreement . . . Detailed drawings and all supporting documents are distributed to the commentary agencies and departments.

The applicant receives comments on all supporting documents and detailed drawings of the site plan. If the detailed plans are not acceptable, Step 3 is repeated until the plans are acceptable to all commenting departments and agencies. Site plan control is a form of planning control under the Planning Act that deals with reviewing the detailed design of a property to ensure that the standards and requirements of the city, region and other authorities are met. The process allows municipal employees to review and approve development details such as building location, charging and parking facilities, landscaping, grading and maintenance. If a municipality does not approve the plans or drawings within 30 days of their submission, or if an owner is not satisfied with an application made by the municipality, including the terms of a site plan agreement, the matter may be referred to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (formerly the Ontario Municipal Board) for a decision. Development subject to site plan control cannot continue until site plan approval has been granted. Following approval of the plans, the owner and the city enter into a site plan agreement that contractually requires the owner to develop and maintain a site in accordance with the approved plans and the terms of the agreement. As a condition of approval of the plans and drawings, the municipality may require the owner of the land to provide the facilities, easements and other matters specified in the act by entering into a site plan agreement. The purpose of a master plan approval is to review the characteristics of the proposed site and coordinate the following: When your property is subject to site plan approval, you can only build according to plans approved by the Chief Planner or his agents. You may also need to enter into an agreement and publish financial securities to secure certain aspects of your proposal.

All plans must be folded with a maximum size of 8 1/2″ x 14″ (legal size) and in separate sentences, with the font block visible in the lower right corner of the drawing page. Plans will not be accepted if this requirement has not been met. Bundled packages will not be accepted. Section 41 of the Planning Act allows a municipality to establish one or two planning control areas within the municipality. If development in this area is proposed, a developer must obtain the consent of City Council (or its deputy) for the plans and drawings of the proposed development as defined in the Act. The site plan management process typically takes four to six weeks between the application filing date and the conditional site plan approval date. To apply for site plan approval, complete the Site Plan Approval Application and Site Plan Agreement or amend an existing site plan agreement and submit them to Planning Services. Before you apply, you must determine whether an existing contract or payment obligation applies to your property.

These agreements may require that any new development be constructed and maintained in accordance with previously approved plans, or that it set other conditions and be exempt from ownership if it is to be replaced. Please provide separate files for any necessary documents or plans and use the following examples of naming conventions for electronic files: This authority provides a procedure that reviews the design and technical aspects of a development project to ensure that it is attractive, environmentally friendly and contributes to the economic, social and environmental vitality of the city. Features such as building planning, site access and maintenance, waste storage, parking, loading and landscaping are examined. A minor site plan control application is designed for both single-family and two-family homes. Commercial, industrial and institutional uses (new developments and/or revision of existing developments) of less than 100 square meters can be considered as a minor application of control of the construction plan. However, if, during the site plan review phase, it is determined that the proposed development requires changes to the approved classification plan or may affect the site, the application for a complete application will be “increased” and the additional fee will be charged. The approval of the control of the site plan is not mandatory, but can be requested by the city to allow the evaluation of a request for control of the situation. The meeting provides an opportunity for staff to describe the local community`s planning process and allow you to present your proposal publicly. It also offers the local community the opportunity to vote on the proposal. This contribution will be taken into account by municipal staff when reviewing revisions to your proposal. In general, the building permit does not apply to single-family homes, semi-detached houses and duplex apartments. The applicant submits a complete application for site plan approval and construction plan agreement or amendment of an existing plan agreement to Planning Services.

Supporting documents and fees are required. The preliminary consultation will determine which plans and documents are required for the initial submission. Site plan control applies to all lands in the city, with the exception of the following types of development, in accordance with by-laws 137 to 89: The site plan agreement or amending agreement is prepared by the development department when the applicant submits acceptable detailed drawings. The basic process for obtaining site plan approval is as follows: Site plan control applies to all developments that are not exempt from Law 137-89. City employees enter into the site plan agreement and forward it to the owner for execution. The owner returns the signed site plan agreement and any required fixed or securities payments to the Legal Services Branch. The city executes the site plan agreement and registers it on title. .

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