Ltsa Operating Agreement

The mandate and powers of the LtSA were established by the province through the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development (FLNRORD) as part of a corporate agreement signed in 2005. This agreement outlines our mandate and relationship with the province, which is ongoing cooperation in the public interest. Mitsubishi Power optimizes maintenance schedules with TOMONI™, a customizable suite of user-controlled digital power plant solutions based on state-of-the-art analytics and decades of turbine operation and monitoring data. TOMONI™ offers the flexibility to easily add or modify solutions, giving you an extremely cost-effective way to upgrade your plant to suit your goals. Together, the solutions can optimize the operation, maintenance, and performance of your entire plant while providing additional operational flexibility. Go to previous versions of the Enterprise Agreement at the top right of this page or [email protected] on demand – with questions. The LTSA is required to meet the obligations and performance targets set by the Province through legislation and contractual agreements. As provided for in Article 14.21, the current Enterprise Agreement is a continuation and consolidation of the original Enterprise Agreement as amended on June 15, 2015, when bc Reg. 151/2015. Read the full report. All questions can be emailed to [email protected] Our multi-year business commitment ensures you have comprehensive coverage for your facility. Typical contracts include dedicated program management, assigned coverage for parts in your units, expert service support focused on safety and quality, and warranty coverage that can give you peace of mind.

The LTSA has grown significantly over the past five years and has expanded to include new public services such as the Landowner Transparency Registry. As the LTSA continues to grow, it must firmly maintain the mechanisms used to work with the MFLNRORD and ensure that the investment decisions it makes are consistent with its mandate and provincial priorities. LtSA is working with MFLNRORD to establish an improved process for this communication. The LTSA is established by the Land Titles and Survey Act. Our governance, royalty system and operations are established and managed in accordance with numerous provincial laws and regulations, including: LTSA provides secure land titles through the timely and efficient registration of land rights and survey records. These services provide an essential foundation for British Columbia`s real estate market and civil justice system, as well as for British Columbia`s public administration, taxation and land management framework. The activities of the LTSA are governed by three corporate policies: We have developed the Condominium And Condominium Assignment Integrity Registry (CSAIR) for the Treasury Department to improve real estate transparency in British Columbia. This is the first pre-sale registry in Canada. The review concluded that the Province and the LTSA have met the expectations set out in the Corporate Agreement in all respects. Read the full five-year report.

In accordance with our mandate, LTSA offers three main services: During the five years ending January 19, 2020, the Province and the LTSA have fulfilled their obligations. The LTSA has proven to be very valuable to stakeholders; exceeded performance targets; reduces the number of complaints; and consistently high customer satisfaction and trust scores. As a customer-centric company, LTSA is proud of its successes in these areas, as they reflect our ongoing efforts to provide our customers with a high-quality service experience. The LTSA is established by law as a regulated authority and is a publicly responsible statutory body responsible for administering, operating and maintaining British Columbia`s land title and survey systems. LtSA is governed by a Board of Directors with input from a Stakeholder Advisory Committee. The last review was conducted in August 2020. Over the five-year period assessed, the report found that the LTSA has shown that we continue to develop and develop land titling and surveying services for the benefit of all British Columbians. As we continue to grow, we are creating ways to connect with the province to ensure that all new public interest initiatives are consistent with the mandate set out in the corporate agreement and the province`s priorities.

Pursuant to the Land Titles and Surveying Authority Act and the Corporate Agreement, the LTSA and the Province jointly engage an independent royalty officer from time to time to make decisions regarding changes to the LTSA fee or fees for new products and services: The Province is responsible for the legal framework for British Columbia`s land title and survey systems through the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resources and Rural Development. responsible. We work with many provincial government departments on issues of mutual public interest. .

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